Financial information

  • 23th term as of Dec. 31, 2021
    22nd term as of Dec. 31, 2020
    21st term as of Dec. 31, 2019

    (Unit: KRW)
    Category 23rd Term 22rd Term 21rd Term
    Current Asset 11,324,312,164 19,373,574,682 27,722,058,939
    - Cash and cash equivalent 2,715,271,691 6,913,278,351 13,223,674,290
    - Other current financial assets 140,188,852 121,712,457 375,144,884
    - Accounts receivable 3,335,182,270 1,464,495,815 3,436,681,277
    - Other current assets 216,074,003 528,269,864 397,008,847
    - Current tax assets 2,589,320 5,503,110 0
    - Inventory 4,915,006,028 10,340,315,085 10,289,549,641
    Fixed Assets 10,276,185,489 15,120,004,778 11,208,853,460
    - Tangible assets 4,399,001,151 6,888,050,017 7,961,186,251
    - Investment real estate 3,484,138,493 3,556,962,059 0
    - Intangible assets other than business interests 163,999,054 304,813,150 425,627,246
    - Other non-current financial assets 36,996,000 36,996,000 22,436,175
    - Current profit or loss - Fair value financial assets 421,622,075 454,136,284 446,373,562
    - Deferred tax assets 1,770,428,716 3,879,047,268 2,353,230,226
    Total Assets 21,600,497,653 34,493,579,460 38,930,912,399
    Current Liabilities 9,616,074,981 6,400,740,648 11,191,291,347
    - Accounts payables 3,335,182,270 1,464,495,815 3,436,681,277
    - Other current financial liabilities 216,074,003 528,269,864 397,008,847
    - Other current liabilities 2,589,320 5,503,110 0
    - Short-term borrowings 4,915,006,028 10,340,315,085 10,289,549,641
    - Current tax liability 10,276,185,489 15,120,004,778 11,208,853,460
    - Current maturities of long-term debt 4,399,001,151 6,888,050,017 7,961,186,251
    - Provision for sales warranty 3,484,138,493 3,556,962,059 0
    Fixed Liabilities 163,999,054 304,813,150 425,627,246
    - Other non-current financial liabilities 36,996,000 36,996,000 22,436,175
    - Long-term borrowings 421,622,075 454,136,284 446,373,562
    - Retirement benefit liabilities 1,770,428,716 3,879,047,268 2,353,230,226
    Total Liabilities 21,600,497,653 34,493,579,460 38,930,912,399
    Capital 4,654,092,500 4,654,092,500 4,654,092,500
    Other paid-in capital 6,498,808,000 6,498,808,000 6,498,808,000
    Retained Earnings -7,590,679,404 6,413,944,531 11,271,741,240
    Total Capital 3,562,221,096 17,566,845,031 22,424,641,740
    Total equity and liabilities 21,600,497,653 34,493,579,460 38,930,912,399
  • 23rd term from Jan. 1, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021
    22nd term from Jan. 1, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020
    21st term from Jan. 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2019

    (Unit: KRW)
    Category 23rd Term 22rd Term 21rd Term
    Sales 13,458,885,814 21,853,671,349 48,631,596,371
    Sales cost 21,832,112,302 24,774,900,101 42,837,172,672
    Gross profit -8,373,226,488 -2,921,228,752 5,794,423,699
    Sales and administrative expenses 3,441,684,931 3,581,993,484 3,115,226,577
    Operating profit -11,814,911,419 -6,503,222,236 2,679,197,122
    Other profits 982,255,583 945,078,013 929,807,700
    Other losses 1,665,386,152 792,214,081 759,581,373
    Financial profit 18,206,748 31,465,635 6,786,146
    Financial Cost 302,957,069 251,145,098 326,896,664
    Net income before tax -12,782,792,309 -6,570,037,767 2,529,312,931
    Corporate tax expense 1,913,525,428 -1,566,830,326 -284,496,248
    Net Income -14,696,317,737 -5,003,207,441 2,813,809,179
    Other comprehensive income 691,693,802 145,410,732 -272,025,241
    Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (Other comprehensive income after tax) 691,693,802 145,410,732 -272,025,241
    - Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liabilities (Other comprehensive income after tax) 691,693,802 145,410,732 -272,025,241
    Total Comprehensive Profits/Losses -14,004,623,935 -4,857,796,709 2,541,783,938
    Earnings per share
    Basic earnings per share -1,579 -538 339